FabricAir Ducts Transform Metallurgical Production Facility

Eight years ago, the Zaragoza-based company Cigüeñales Sanz made an innovative investment by implementing a FabricAir air diffusion system in their factory. The challenge of this project lay in the high operating temperatures during summer which affect electronic control machines and the presence of oil emulsions in the air. Working on the plant floor in summer was especially uncomfortable without proper air conditioning.

Effective solution using FabricAir ducts

The FabricAir duct system has proven to be an effective and durable solution for the production facility. It not only addressed issues related to high temperatures and oil emulsions but also contributed to an overall improvement in air quality and operational efficiency. Ventilation units with humidity control were also installed on the ceiling, continuing to supply the necessary air to the ducts for air conditioning, with an additional mixture of fresh outside air.

Impact on productivity

The system has eliminated problems associated with high temperatures, making a clear difference in the factory’s operational performance. Since its implementation, improvements have been observed in terms of productivity, especially during the summer months, allowing for free cooling during the nights and reducing the overall energy consumption of the air conditioning system and electronic control machines.

System durability

The fabrics used in the ducts, our Combi 30, has withstood the test of time, maintaining its durability and efficiency eight years after installation. This stands as a testament to the lasting and positive impact that FabricAir textile duct technology can have on operational efficiency and air quality in specialized environments.


Additional Information

Learn more about FabricAir ducts for manufacturing applications

CASE STUDY: Precise Temperature Control for a Pharmaceutical Facility

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